Dr. Jan-Willem M. Beenakker

Associate professor
Leiden University Medical Center
Depts. of Ophthalmology, Radiology and Radiation Oncology
Website: mreye.nl
E-mail: [email protected]
Visiting address:
Leiden University Medical Center
C.J. Gorter MRI Center (route XXX)
Albinusdreef 2A
Leiden, The Netherlands

Mailing address:
Leiden University Medical Center
t.a.v. Dr. JWM Beenakker
postzone: J3-S
Postbus 9600
2300RC Leiden, The Netherlands

Mission statement

I am a physicist by training who has made the transition from the fundamental research setting of a physics laboratory to the clinical setting of a medical hospital. Using my background in experimental physics, I develop novel technologies to enable MRI for ocular conditions and apply them clinically. My innovations have become part of regular clinical care, saving the vision and eyes of many patients.

Currently, my research focuses on ocular oncology, such as MR-based ocular radiotherapy planning and non-invasive quantification of eye tumor perfusion. Additionally, my ambition is to develop methods to fuse optical and MR-imaging of the eye, enabling the next paradigm shift in the treatment planning and follow-up of intra-ocular tumors.

Education and appointments

  • 2021 - present, Associate Professor, Leiden UMC,
    depts. of Ophthalmology, Radiology and Radiation Oncology
  • 2015 , Principal Investigator, Leiden UMC,
    depts. of Ophthalmology and Radiology
  • 2008 - 2014, PhD in Physics, Leiden Institute of Physics
    Title: Unravelling the collagen network of the arterial wall
    Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. T. H. Oosterkamp
Detailed list

Academic appointments

  • 2021 - present, Associate professor, Leiden UMC,
    depts. of Ophthalmology, Radiology and Radiation Oncology
  • 2019 - present, Guest scientist, HollandPTC
  • 2017 - 2020, Assistant professor, Leiden UMC,
    depts. of Ophthalmology and Radiology
  • 2015 - 2016, Visiting scientist, University of Murcia,
    Laboratoria de Optica
  • 2015 - 2017, Senior scientist, Leiden UMC,
    depts. of Ophthalmology and Radiology
  • 2012 – 2014, Postdoc, Leiden UMC,
    depts. of Ophthalmology and Radiology

Academic education

  • PhD in Physics, June 2012
    Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University
    Track: biophysics and experimental condensed matter physics
    Title: Unravelling the collagen network of the arterial wall
    Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. T. H. Oosterkamp
  • Msc. in Physics, cum laude, August 2008
    Leiden University
    Track: Condensed matter physics; minor: Science Based Business
    Title thesis: Dynamics of Microtubules in an active Actin-Myosin gel
    Thesis supervisor: dr. G. Koenderink (AMOLF, Amsterdam)
  • Bsc. in Physics, August 2006, Leiden University
    Including a propaedeutic diploma in Mathematics (2004)
  • Higher education (VWO), June 2003, Stedelijk Gymnasium Leiden
    Tracks: Natuur en gezondheid; Natuur en techniek

Educational qualifications

  • 2023: Supervision of PhD-candidates (Leiden University)
  • 2020: Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO) (Leiden University)


  • 2024: One of the three LUMC PhD Supervisors of the year
  • 2022: Dutch Research Council (NWO) VIDI laureate
  • 2021: C.J. Kok Prize for translational research on ocular MRI
  • 2016: ESCRS clinical Research Award
  • 2016: Best oncology MR-research award, ISMRM Singapore

Professional activities


  • 2024 - present: Member of the scientific board of the HollandPTC
  • 2024 - present: member of the science committee of the Dutch Ophthalmologist’s Association (NOG)
  • 2021 – present: Chair of Pathology and Oncology section of the European Vision and Eye Research Association (EVER)
  • 2021 – present: Member of the Ocular Proton Therapy Committee of the PTCOG
  • 2021 – present: Board member of European Vision and Eye Research Association (EVER)
  • 2021: Jury member of NWO TTW Open Technology Program
  • 2017 – present: Grant reviewer for various national and international organizations
Selected local activities
  • 2021 – present: member of the management team of Ophthalmology
    responsible for research within the department
  • 2021 – present: Ambassador within the LUMC NeuroScience research theme
    responsible for the sub-theme “Sensory system disorders” (2021-2022) and “Neuro-oncology” (2023-present)
  • 2022 – present: vice-chair of the interdepartmental tumor working group Uveal Melanoma
  • 2013 – present: member (since 2020 chair) of the departmental science committee
  • 2023 – present: member of the PPP grant evaluation committee
  • 2021 – 2023: member of the data stewardship committee

Graduated PhD students

  • K. R. Keene: Function and structure of the eye muscles in myasthenia gravis, 2023
  • T. A. Gonçalves-Ferreira: MR Imaging of Uveal Melanoma and Orbit, 2023
  • M. G. Jaarsma-Coes, MRI for planning and characterization of uveal melanoma patients treated with proton beam therapy, 2023
  • G. A. van Rijn: Safety of the artisan iris-fixated phakic intraocular lens, 2022
  • Z. S. Gaurisankar: Phakic intraocular lens implantation: a life-long patient journey, 2022
  • List of current group members

Conference activities

  • 2024: Co-organizer of the 2nd international symposium on Ocular Proton Therapy
  • 2023: Chair of the ocular oncology session at the Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology conference in Kuala Lumpur
  • 2023: Chair of the Oncology and Pathology session at the 2023 EVER congress in Valencia
  • 2023: Organizer of a Negative Dysphotopsia symposium at the 2023 EVER congress in Valencia
  • 2022 and 2023: Chair of the oncology and pathology sessions of the European Vision and Eye Research conference in Valencia
  • 2021: Co-organizer and imaging session chair of first international ocular proton therapy course
  • 2020: Coordinator and co-chair of European Vision Institute symposium on “New technologies for outcome measures in uveal melanoma” (Basel)
  • 2015: Chair the scientific session on MR hardware development at the 7th annual ISMRM Benelux in Gent (Belgium)

Personal activities

  • Since 2005 various responsibilities in national and international committees of the Emmanuel Community, a Catholic association with over 12.000 members in 72 countries. I’m currently part of the Dutch national governance and a member of the international advisory council (since 2018, re-elected in 2021).
    Two examples of responsibilities that shaped my leadership and mentoring skills
    • I've set-up the Dutch version of the Zacchaeus Course, a programme which helps the participants discover how to achieve unity and coherence in their lives, between their Christian faith and their day to day actions.
    • I have been in charge of the national youth team for 2008-2012. Together with my wife, I was a mentor for the youth, guided the local youth teams and (co-)organized over ten journeys in- and outside of Europe (impression). After our service in the youth team, we were responsible for the community in the West of the Netherlands (until 2020).
  • Since 2015 a board member of the Dutch chapter of Aid to the Church in Need, a charity with approximately 4-6 million Euro of donations annually.


Open Science

General public

  • 2024: Article in the Dutch Physics Magazine (NTVN) on the physics of developing ocular MRI

  • 2024: Article/interview in Medisch Contact: “PAROS: innovatieve methode voor het corrigeren van oogfoto's”

  • 2024: Interview in Resultaat, the annual magazine of the Dutch Research Council [Dutch]/[English]

  • 2023: Lecture on MRI for uveal melanoma at the annual patient day of Stichting Melanoom

  • 2022: Lecture on “Working as a physicist in a hospital” at the annual gathering of the Dutch physics high-school teachers.

  • 2022: Educational lectures on the technical and clinical aspects MRI for ocular proton therapy

  • 2020: Article on “MRI for uvea melanoma” in De Oogarts

  • 2020: Podcast on Ocular MRI of the Oogvereniging

Invited lectures

  • 2024: Imaging for ocular proton therapy; OCULAR symposium, Villigen (Switzerland)
  • 2023: Optical Ray tracing for Negative Dysphotopsia; European Society for Vision and Eye Research; Valencia (Spain)
  • 2023: MRI for ocular proton therapy; European Ocular Oncology Group; Berlin (Germany);
  • 2023: MRI for ocular radiotherapy planning; Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Academy; Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
  • 2022: MRI of the eye; Brighton university; Brighton (UK)
  • 2022: Imaging in Uveal Melanoma; International Society for Ocular Oncology; Leiden
  • 2022: How can MRI help to optimize the treatment for Uveal Melanoma; Bebig; Leiden
  • 2022: Is MRI useful to diagnose intra-ocular tumours?; International Society for Ocular Oncology; Leiden
  • 2022: MRI for ocular proton therapy planning; International Ocular Proton Therapy Committee; Online/Villigen (Switzerland)
  • 2021: MRI for ocular oncology; Asia Pacific Vitreo-Retina Society; originally in Hong Kong but online due to COVID
  • 2021: MRI for Uveal Melanoma; European Vision Institute; originally in Basel (Switzerland) but online due to COVID
  • 2020: Development of MRI-based proton therapy planning, European Society Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology; Barcelona (Spain)
  • 2020: MRI for ophthalmic conditions; German ophthalmic society (DOG), Berlin (Germany)
  • 2020: The role of MRI in the care for Uveal Melanoma, World of Ophthalmology; Kaapstad (South Africa)
  • 2020: Quantitative MRI for Ocular Oncology, World of Ophthalmology; Kaapstad (South Africa)
  • 2019: The vRESPOND study; European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons Society; Paris (France)
  • 2017: Clinical Evaluation of UHF MRI for Uveal Melanoma; Asia-Pacific Congress of Ophthalmology; Singapore
  • 2015: High resolution imaging of the eye; Laboratoria de Optica; Murcia (Spain)
  • 2015: Ocular MRI; International Society of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Medicine; Toronto (Canada)

Scientific Publications


  1. Vught, Haasjes and Beenakker. ZOSPy: optical ray tracing in Python through OpticStudio. Journal of Open Source Software (2024), doi: 10.21105/joss.05756 

  2. Hrbacek, Kacperek, Beenaker, Mortimer, Denker, Mazal, Shih, Dendale, Slopsema, Heufelder and Mishra. PTCOG Ocular Statement: Expert Summary of Current Practices and Future Developments in Ocular Proton Therapy. International Journal of Radiation OncologyBiologyPhysics (2024), doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2024.06.017 

  3. Makhotkina, Nijkamp, Berendschot, Borne, Kruchten, Vught, Beenakker, Krijgh, Aslam, Pesudovs and Nuijts. Measuring quality of vision including negative dysphotopsia. Acta Ophthalmologica (2024), doi: 10.1111/aos.15762 

  4. Klaassen, Haasjes, Hol, Lopes, Spruijt, Steeg-Henzen, Vu, Bakker, Rasch, Verbist and Beenakker. Geometrical accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging for ocular proton therapy planning. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology (2024), doi: 10.1016/j.phro.2024.100598 


  1. Tong, Bastiaannet, Speetjens, Blank, Luyten, Jager, Marinkovic, Vu, Rasch, Creutzberg, Beenakker, Hartgrink, Bosch, Kiliç, Naus, Yavuzyigitoglu, Rij, Burgmans and Kapiteijn. Time Trends in the Treatment and Survival of 5036 Uveal Melanoma Patients in The Netherlands over a 30-Year Period. Cancers (2023), doi: 10.3390/cancers15225419 

  2. Vught, Luyten and Beenakker. Peripheral visual field shifts after intraocular lens implantation. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (2023), doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000001299 

  3. Tang, Ferreira, Marinkovic, Jaarsma-Coes, Klaassen, Vu, Creutzberg, Rodrigues, Horeweg, Klaver, Rasch, Luyten and Beenakker. MR-based follow-up after brachytherapy and proton beam therapy in uveal melanoma. Neuroradiology (2023), doi: 10.1007/s00234-023-03166-1 

  4. Grzybowski and Beenakker. More on light dysphotopsia origin in pseudophakia. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (2023), doi: 10.1007/s00417-023-06029-w 

  5. Jaarsma-Coes, Klaassen, Marinkovic, Luyten, Vu, Ferreira and Beenakker. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Clinical Care for Uveal Melanoma Patients—A Systematic Review from an Ophthalmic Perspective. Cancers (2023), doi: 10.3390/cancers15112995 

  6. Jaarsma-Coes, Klaassen, Verbist, Vu, Klaver, Rodrigues, Nabarro, Luyten, Rasch, Herk and Beenakker. Inter-Observer Variability in MR-Based Target Volume Delineation of Uveal Melanoma. Advances in Radiation Oncology (2023), doi: 10.1016/j.adro.2022.101149 

  7. Keene, Notting, Verschuuren, Voermans, Keizer, Beenakker, Tannemaat and Kan. Eye Muscle MRI in Myasthenia Gravis and Other Neuromuscular Disorders. Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases (2023), doi: 10.3233/jnd-230023 

  8. Keene, Nie, Brink, Notting, Verschuuren, Kan, Beenakker and Tannemaat. Diagnosing myasthenia gravis using orthoptic measurements: assessing extraocular muscle fatiguability. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry (2023), doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2022-329859 

  9. Jaarsma-Coes, Ferreira, Marinkovic, Vu, Vught, Haren, Rodrigues, Klaver, Verbist, Luyten, Rasch and Beenakker. Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Imaging–Based and Conventional Measurements for Proton Beam Therapy of Uveal Melanoma. Ophthalmology Retina (2023), doi: 10.1016/j.oret.2022.06.019 


  1. Gaurisankar, Rijn, Cheng, Luyten and Beenakker. Two-year results after combined phacoemulsification and iris-fixated phakic intraocular lens removal. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (2022), doi: 10.1007/s00417-021-05442-3 

  2. Rozendal, Vught, Luyten and Beenakker. The Value of Static Perimetry in the Diagnosis and Follow-up of Negative Dysphotopsia. Optometry and Vision Science (2022), doi: 10.1097/opx.0000000000001918 

  3. Beenakker, Brouwer, Chau, Coupland, Fiorentzis, Heimann, Heufelder, Joussen, Kiilgaard, Kivelä, Piperno-Neumann, Rantala, Romanowska-Dixon, Shields, Willerding, Wheeler-Schilling, Scholl, Jager and Damato. Outcome Measures of New Technologies in Uveal Melanoma: Review from the European Vision Institute Special Interest Focus Group Meeting. Ophthalmic Research (2022), doi: 10.1159/000524372 

  4. Ferreira, Jaarsma-Coes, Marinkovic, Verbist, Verdijk, Jager, Luyten and Beenakker. MR imaging characteristics of uveal melanoma with histopathological validation. Neuroradiology (2022), doi: 10.1007/s00234-021-02825-5 

  5. Islamaj, Vught, Jordaan-Kuip, Vermeer, Ferreira, Waard, Lemij and Beenakker. Magnetic resonance imaging reveals possible cause of diplopia after Baerveldt glaucoma implantation. PLoS ONE (2022), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276527 

  6. Beenakker and Rasch. Letter to the Editor of Radiotherapy and Oncology regarding the paper titled “MRI and FUNDUS image fusion for improved ocular biometry in Ocular Proton Therapy” by Via et al.. Radiotherapy and Oncology (2022), doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2022.08.018 

  7. Jaarsma-Coes, Ferreira, Houdt, Heide, Luyten and Beenakker. Eye-specific quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI analysis for patients with intraocular masses. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (2022), doi: 10.1007/s10334-021-00961-w 

  8. Vught, Que, Luyten and Beenakker. Effect of anatomical differences and intraocular lens design on negative dysphotopsia. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (2022), doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000001054 

  9. Keene, Kan, Meeren, Verbist, Tannemaat, Beenakker and Verschuuren. Clinical and imaging clues to the diagnosis and follow‐up of ptosis and ophthalmoparesis. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle (2022), doi: 10.1002/jcsm.13089 

  10. Klaassen, Jaarsma-Coes, Verbist, Vu, Marinkovic, Rasch, Luyten and Beenakker. Automatic Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance-based measurements of tumour prominence and basal diameter for treatment planning of uveal melanoma. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology (2022), doi: 10.1016/j.phro.2022.11.001 

  11. Tang, Jaarsma‐Coes, Ferreira, Fonk, Marinkovic, Luyten and Beenakker. A Comparison of 3 T and 7 T MRI for the Clinical Evaluation of Uveal Melanoma. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2022), doi: 10.1002/jmri.27939 


  1. Fleury, Trnková, Erdal, Hassan, Stoel, Jaarma‐Coes, Luyten, Herault, Webb, Beenakker, Pignol and Hoogeman. Three‐dimensional MRI‐based treatment planning approach for non‐invasive ocular proton therapy. Medical Physics (2021), doi: 10.1002/mp.14665 

  2. Keene, Vught, Velde, Ciggaar, Notting, Genders, Verschuuren, Tannemaat, Kan and Beenakker. The feasibility of quantitative MRI of extra‐ocular muscles in myasthenia gravis and Graves' orbitopathy. NMR in Biomedicine (2021), doi: 10.1002/nbm.4407 

  3. Velde, Hooijmans, Mishre, Keene, Koeks, Veeger, Alleman, Zwet, Beenakker, Verschuuren, Kan and Niks. Selection Approach to Identify the Optimal Biomarker Using Quantitative Muscle MRI and Functional Assessments in Becker Muscular Dystrophy. Neurology (2021), doi: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000012233 

  4. Vught, Beenakker and Luyten. Reply to comment on: Distinct differences in anterior chamber configuration and peripheral aberrations in negative dysphotop. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (2021), doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000431 

  5. Niendorf, Beenakker, Langner, Erb-Eigner, Cuadra, Beller, Millward, Niendorf and Stachs. Ophthalmic Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Where Are We (Heading To)?. Current Eye Research (2021), doi: 10.1080/02713683.2021.1874021 

  6. Vught, Shamonin, Luyten, Stoel and Beenakker. MRI-based 3D retinal shape determination. BMJ Open Ophthalmology (2021), doi: 10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000855 

  7. Gaurisankar, Rijn, Haasnoot, Verhoeven, Klaver, Luyten and Beenakker. Long‐term longitudinal changes in axial length in the Caucasian myopic and hyperopic population with a phakic intraocular lens. Acta Ophthalmologica (2021), doi: 10.1111/aos.14647 

  8. Rijn, Gaurisankar, Saxena, Gibbes, Jongman, Haasnoot, Cheng, Beenakker and Luyten. Implantation of an iris-fixated phakic intraocular lens for the correction of hyperopia: 15-year follow-up. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (2021), doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000532 

  9. Vught, Dekker, Stoel, Luyten and Beenakker. Evaluation of intraocular lens position and retinal shape in negative dysphotopsia using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (2021), doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000576 

  10. Gaurisankar, Rijn, Luyten and Beenakker. Differences between Scheimpflug and optical coherence tomography in determining safety distances in eyes with an iris-fixating phakic intraocular lens. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (2021), doi: 10.1007/s00417-020-04874-7 

  11. Hassan, Fleury, Shamonin, Fonk, Marinkovic, Jaarsma-Coes, Luyten, Webb, Beenakker and Stoel. An Automatic Framework to Create Patient-specific Eye Models From 3D Magnetic Resonance Images for Treatment Selection in Patients With Uveal Melanoma. Advances in Radiation Oncology (2021), doi: 10.1016/j.adro.2021.100697 


  1. Fonk, Ferreira, Webb, Luyten and Beenakker. The Economic Value of MR-Imaging for Uveal Melanoma. Clinical Ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.) (2020), doi: 10.2147/opth.s238405 

  2. Keene, Beenakker, Hooijmans, Naarding, Niks, Otto, Pol, Tannemaat, Kan and Froeling. T2 relaxation‐time mapping in healthy and diseased skeletal muscle using extended phase graph algorithms. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2020), doi: 10.1002/mrm.28290 

  3. Ferreira, Pinheiro, Saraiva, Jaarsma-Coes, Duinen, Genders, Marinkovic and Beenakker. MR and CT Imaging of the Normal Eyelid and its Application in Eyelid Tumors. Cancers (2020), doi: 10.3390/cancers12030658 

  4. Rijn, Gaurisankar, Ilgenfritz, Lima, Haasnoot, Beenakker, Cheng and Luyten. Middle- and long-term results after iris-fixated phakic intraocular lens implantation in myopic and hyperopic patients: a meta-analysis. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (2020), doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000002 

  5. Jaarsma-Coes, Marinkovic, Astreinidou, Schuurmans, Peters, Luyten, Rasch and Beenakker. Measuring eye deformation between planning and proton beam therapy position using magnetic resonance imaging. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology (2020), doi: 10.1016/j.phro.2020.09.010 

  6. Rijn, Wijnen, Dooren, Cheng, Beenakker and Luyten. Improved Interchangeability with Different Corneal Specular Microscopes for Quantitative Endothelial Cell Analysis. Clinical Ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.) (2020), doi: 10.2147/opth.s228347 

  7. Vught, Luyten and Beenakker. Distinct differences in anterior chamber configuration and peripheral aberrations in negative dysphotopsia. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (2020), doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000206 


  1. Beenakker, Wezel, Groen, Webb and Börnert. Silent volumetric multi-contrast 7 Tesla MRI of ocular tumors using Zero Echo Time imaging. PLoS ONE (2019), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222573 

  2. Jaarsma-Coes, Ferreira, Luyten and Beenakker. Reaction on “Ocular ultrasound versus MRI in the detection of extrascleral extension in a patient with choroidal melanoma”. BMC Ophthalmology (2019), doi: 10.1186/s12886-019-1206-y 

  3. Ferreira, Fonk, Jaarsma-Coes, Haren, Marinkovic and Beenakker. MRI of Uveal Melanoma. Cancers (2019), doi: 10.3390/cancers11030377 

  4. Jaarsma-Coes, Ferreira, Haren, Marinkovic and Beenakker. MRI enables accurate diagnosis and follow-up in uveal melanoma patients after vitrectomy. Melanoma Research (2019), doi: 10.1097/cmr.0000000000000568 

  5. Gaurisankar, Rijn, Lima, Ilgenfritz, Cheng, Haasnoot, Luyten and Beenakker. Correlations between ocular biometrics and refractive error: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Acta Ophthalmologica (2019), doi: 10.1111/aos.14208 

  6. Koolstra, Beenakker, Koken, Webb and Börnert. Cartesian MR fingerprinting in the eye at 7T using compressed sensing and matrix completion‐based reconstructions. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2019), doi: 10.1002/mrm.27594 


  1. Ferreira, Saraiva, Genders, Buchem, Luyten and Beenakker. CT and MR imaging of orbital inflammation. Neuroradiology (2018), doi: 10.1007/s00234-018-2103-4 

  2. Jong, Graaf, Pouwels, Beenakker, Jansen, Geurts, Moll, Castelijns, Valk and Weerd. 9.4T and 17.6T MRI of Retinoblastoma: Ex Vivo evaluation of microstructural anatomy and disease extent compared with histopathology. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2018), doi: 10.1002/jmri.25913 


  1. Diemen, Berends, Akram, Wezel, Teeuwisse, Mik, Kan, Webb, Beenakker and Groeneveld. Validation of a pharmacological model for mitochondrial dysfunction in healthy subjects using simvastatin: A randomized placebo-controlled proof-of-pharmacology study. European Journal of Pharmacology (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2017.09.031 

  2. Isakova, Pralits, Romano, Beenakker, Shamonin and Repetto. Equilibrium shape of the aqueous humor-vitreous substitute interface in vitrectomized eyes. Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology (2017), doi: 10.35119/maio.v1i3.36

  3. Wezel, Garpebring, Webb, Osch and Beenakker. Automated eye blink detection and correction method for clinical MR eye imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2017), doi: 10.1002/mrm.26355 


  1. Beenakker, Ferreira, Soemarwoto, Genders, Teeuwisse, Webb and Luyten. Clinical evaluation of ultra-high-field MRI for three-dimensional visualisation of tumour size in uveal melanoma patients, with direct relevance to treatment planning. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (2016), doi: 10.1007/s10334-016-0529-4 


  1. Beenakker, Shamonin, Webb, Luyten and Stoel. Automated Retinal Topographic Maps Measured With Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (2015), doi: 10.1167/iovs.14-15161 


  1. Ruytenberg, Webb and Beenakker. A multi-purpose open-source triggering platform for magnetic resonance. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (2014), doi: 10.1016/j.jmr.2014.08.009 


  1. Beenakker, Rijn, Luyten and Webb. High‐resolution MRI of uveal melanoma using a microcoil phased array at 7 T. NMR in Biomedicine (2013), doi: 10.1002/nbm.3041 

  2. Brand, Webb and Beenakker. Design and performance of a transformer‐coupled double resonant quadrature birdcage coil for localized proton and phosphorus spectroscopy in the human calf muscle at 7 T. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A (2013), doi: 10.1002/cmr.a.21281


  1. He, Lamers, Beenakker, Cui, Ghotra, Danen, Meijer, Spaink and Snaar‐Jagalska. Neutrophil‐mediated experimental metastasis is enhanced by VEGFR inhibition in a zebrafish xenograft model. The Journal of Pathology (2012), doi: 10.1002/path.4013 

  2. Beenakker, Ashcroft, Lindeman and Oosterkamp. Mechanical Properties of the Extracellular Matrix of the Aorta Studied by Enzymatic Treatments. Biophysical Journal (2012), doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2012.03.041 


  1. Lindeman, Ashcroft, Beenakker, Es, Koekkoek, Prins, Tielemans, Abdul-Hussien, Bank and Oosterkamp. Distinct defects in collagen microarchitecture underlie vessel-wall failure in advanced abdominal aneurysms and aneurysms in Marfan syndrome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2010), doi: 10.1073/pnas.0910312107